Gum Olibanum (Whole)

:: What Is Gum Olibanum?

Gum Olibanum is the dried, gummy exudation obtained from various species of Burseraceae trees. Also known as Frankincense, is an aromatic resin used in incense and perfumes. It is an exudate gum obtained from trees of the genus Boswellia in the family Burseraceae, particularly Boswellia sacra.

Gum Olibanum is available in small tears or lumps of white-yellowish or yellow-reddish color, with a light scent. It is available in different qualities from dust, siftings, pea-size to tears.

Olibanum is edible and is used in traditional medicines in Africa and Asia for digestion and healthy skin. For internal consumption, it is recommended that frankincense be translucent, with no black or brown impurities. It is often light yellow with a (very) slight greenish tint. It’s also chewed like gum, but it has a stickier consistency.

 :: Health Benefits

  • May reduce arthritis
  • May improve gut function
  • Improves asthma
  • Maintains oral health
  • May have anticancer properties