Spearmint (Leaves | Crushed |TBC)

:: What Is Spearmint?

Spearmint, also known as garden mint, common mint, lamb mint and mackerel mint, is a species of mint, It is naturalized in many other temperate parts of the world, including northern and southern Africa, North America, and South America. It is used as a flavoring in food and herbal teas. The aromatic oil, called oil of spearmint, is also used as a flavoring and sometimes as a scent.

 :: Health Benefits

  • Sore throat.
  • Arthritis.
  • Cramps.
  • Toothache.
  • Bad breath.
  • Common cold.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Muscle pain.
  • Headache.
  • Fatigue.
  • Stress.

 :: Nutrition

Spearmint, fresh, Nutritional value per 100 g. (Source: USDA National Nutrient data base).
PrincipleNutrient ValuePercent of RDA
Energy44 Kcal2%
Carbohydrates8.41 g6.5%
Protein3.29 g6%
Total Fat0.73 g3%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Dietary Fiber6.8 g18%
Folates105 µg26%
Niacin0.948 mg6%
Pyridoxine0.158 mg12%
Riboflavin0.175 mg13.5%
Thiamin0.078 mg6.5%
Vitamin A4054 IU135%
Vitamin C13.3 mg22%
Sodium30 mg2%
Potassium458 mg64%
Calcium199 mg20%
Copper0.240 mg75%
Iron11.87 mg148%
Magnesium63 mg16%
Manganese1.118 mg48.5%
Zinc1.09 mg10%